Sunday, June 27, 2010

Red Fullmoon

I saw the moon. It was huge, and it had a red tint from it like when it is in eclipse. It came crashing down towards Earth. As it crashed I saw people around me flee, but I just stood still and observed, and half of it broke loose and was catapulted back into space somehow. It looked like a large waxing crescent. The hit felt so powerful that large chunks of the earth started coming loose, and immediately as they did they imploded in to the center of the earth. This continued until all that was left was a small black platform. A man was standing there and beckoned me to come down, and I did. As I stepped on to the platform, he said "Let's have a look at your spirituality" or something similar. Soft blue shining balls of light drew closer from all directions. It looks like many, but it feels like it's just one all encompassing. I could see them, but at the same time they were infinite, all encompassing.

Many layers of this dream has come to me the past weeks. At first I thought it is me clearing out all baggage until the solar eclipse on the 11th july. Then with all the events of the past weeks I realized that I am testing myself and allowing myself to express and embrace and love all that I have rejected before. As I write this I also see that the "many" blue balls closing in are all the so-called fragments of me - my soul - that are coming home again. Reclaiming my true power.

I welcome any and all opinions as to what this dream may suggest. If you see another depth, another layer, to this dream, or if you have another feeling about it, please share.

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